New Zealand 2022
A few images and lines about New Zealand in November 2022. This is NaNoWriMo month. Hopefully, Queenstown will be an inspirational and motivational space!
The iconic view from the centre of Queenstown. The land of the Long White cloud. Fantastic light. No filters at all!
First Sight
737 Melbourne to Queenstown
Touch of snow. Slopes all closed though.
View from Nomads. Great start!
First sights downtown Queenstown
Sunset behind the mountains
Spring leaf
Spring Flowers
Last of the snow
Babbling Brooks
Paragliding at 11 o'clock
Writers Festival
Horse Chestnut
gold in the river?
Fascinating about hills and gold and the 'gold rush'
A historic- late 1800's bridge. history is a relative term
rebuilt by Lions club. now just for bikes and walkers. used to be for Horses and wagons moving families
lovely trip to Alexandra
Woke up to snow on the hills, down to 350 m
Mountain run off
just after the hydro generator- 200 mw
time to be in Alexandra
New Bridge- old one pillars still standing behind
hydro dam 700Mw
Flooded valley above dam
typical scenery in central Otago
bike lanes
Sunset, most of the snow melted away
Picnic anyone? Cloud looks like a rocket!
Full of blooms
pretty huts on the water
still a bit of snow hanging on
So much!
Day 3 Queenstown Poem
Pluto over the Moon
The Long White Cloud stays cool
Not just a smile, a Kia Ora, a smiling jewel
Sights of nature to drop your jaw – Aotearoa
Not just service, care and comfort
All that and conversation too!
A place of beauty
Like a baby burping on a breast.
A place of joy
Like a silver salmon splitting the sun.
A connected feeling, all who live hear
in this end of the world, here
is the brightest place to be.
Safe, to belong, to live life free.
To face trials and strife
That bubble through life.
Kiwis resolve with fun and reason
overcome with joy they roll
natures flow of season.
Like the power
Of synchronised swimmers pulsating pulse.
The moon reflects the sun,
Pluto rolls on
New Zealand will never be done.
Like the glory
Of a young whale breaching.
Glenorchy, Walk around the lagoon.
Even more beautiful than these pictures
The road to Glenorchy is 60 minutes from Queenstown. The vistas are so beautiful it will take 2-3 hours. Every minute a visual banquet.
This must be the prettiest library in the world
only open once in a blue moon
Arrowtown Woods
Lakes Hayes walk
Lakes Hayes walk
Lakes Hayes walk
Mlford Sound take off from Queenstown
Milford Sound en route, first over the NZ alps!
Milford Sound some glacier lakes on the way
Milford Sound coming in to land
Milford Sound
Last event of the Festival!
Nibbles at a Book Launch
Queenstown Writers Weekend Festival
Sunday Day trip to Wanaka
Best Gelato in South Island
Black Peak
Looking back to Queenstown
Up, up and away
Yes it is #that tree
70 years old now
short tree lines track
Frozen after the swim
heading home
Queenstown reprise
Birthday cake, cheese, and champagne!
Walking to work this morning
6 km of paradise
Memories of 2 years ago!
old train station, now a cafe
another train station
Road home
Early summer
Rescued from a river!
First class
Second and first class
Queenstown to Lake Tepiko.
Lake Tepiko
Catherdral rising
So Kiwi
Old fashioned
nice new seating
Botanical Gardens Christchurch
Off to the West from Christchurch- Hokitika Bound
Time for Hokitika
Haast- enroute and there!
Last leg, December 5 to Wanaka! Weather not the best, but still one of the most spectacular roads through the High Haast Pass- only tarred in 1969 or thereabouts. Wonderful names along the way, Imp Creek, Roaring Biilly, Squiggley creek, Gout Stream, Ink Black culvert, Serpentine creek, Firefly river, Pivot creek, Chelsea creek and Roaring Swine, Blue pools, Fantail waterfall. A writers delight!
Amazing trees, with huge moss loads. Finally back into the valley for rver confluences and Lakes!